Academics Knowledge: History II.

History II.


In this guide I will show how to complete History II category which will increase the maximum energy by 2. Group consists from 11 knowledges, more than half of them you can find in Ancient Fissure node. There I recommend starting to collect knowledges from № 3 to 6, after gain № 1 and 2.


1. Catastrophes in Mediah.

Pile of Books that you can find at the left side inside cave on your way to Node manager. It’s not close to entrance, pay attention at the left side when you climb small stairs. 10 energy.

2. Legend of Edana.

Find the Bookshelf at the right side of cave, infront of previous knowledge. 10 energy cost.

3. 23 Books from an Ancient Codex.

When you enter the cave there’s a small balcony at the right side. Find the Pile of Books and spend 10 energy to gain the knowledge.

4. Black Energy and the Ancient Civilization.

Pile of Books at the left side close to cave entrance will give the knowledge for 10 energy.

5. History of Mediah II.

Bookshelf at the top-right side of previous knowledge location. Requires 10 energy to gain.



 6. History of Mediah I.

Bookshelf at the balcony on the left side of cave, next to the previous knowledge location. Costs 10 energy to obtain.


7. Kzarka and Bareeds.

Can be learned from Bookshelf in the Elric Shrine. Climb the stairs and find the Library in the Castle. First Bookshelf on the left side from the entrance is the one that we’re looking for. Knowledge costs 5 energy. This place is dangerous, better to come here with high level (50+) character or make sure to have decent DP.

8. Scuffling Letusa.

Find the big wither tree at the center of Tarif town called Scuffling Letusa and inspect it. No energy requirement to obtain the knowledge.

9. Book of Cartian.

To obtain this knowledge you need to reach 880 amity with Ahon Kirus – leader of Tarif that stays near Letusa Tree. Amity game is really hard with her even if you completed Alchemy II category of Academics Knowledge. As alternative option I would recommend to make 4 alts with 220 energy each and spent it all on Greeting her (F1 to NPC).

10. Barbarian Occupied Iron Mine.

In the South of Altinova located Abun node. Find the furniture dealer Dino Laha to obtain knowledge for 8 energy.

11. Three Days of Darkness.

Can be obtained from Prophet Sirare for 10 energy in Altinova. You can find her in the same room with Prince of Mediah Bareeds III.

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